But who even are you?!

I’m a 23-year-old Irish journalism graduate who lives “down the country” and writes just for a love of writing.

I’ve got a penchant for movies, music and crappy television.

I’m a dog person.

I tend to write pretty much like I speak (except for the stuff that doesn’t translate so well).

I’m a Cancerian.

I prefer strawberry flavoured things to chocolate flavoured things.

I’m a bit “faddy”.

I don’t drink coffee but I drink copious amounts of tea (drop of milk, no sugar, thanks)

I enjoy offensive humour but not toilet humour (so there’ll be no “sharting” jokes here)

If there was a cult that worshipped Tom Hanks, I’d join for sure.

I enjoy a good documentary.

I ALWAYS keep my socks in pairs (Any socks that lose a buddy in the wash have to go into the “buddy box” where lost socks go until their buddy appears.).

I grumble a fair bit.

I really like airplanes.

My favourite kind of books are non-fiction.

I HATE being cold.

I mostly wear hoodies.

I prefer making hay to war.

My musings here are for no other reason than entertainment.




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