Animal Story That Most Melted My Heart This Week…

12 01 2012

I’m a true animal lover but I have an ESPECIALLY large place in my heart for the canines.

I’m a professional (term used loosely) dog lover and a lifelong dog owner and my cold, black heart can be reduced to warm, gooey mush with a tale (tail!) of a heroic pooch or a loyal pup.

My pooch in a cap! Awwww I could kiss that little snout all day long! Woof!


I never cry at movies. But ‘Marley and Me’ got me bad. I went to see it in the cinema with my best friend, who is also a dog lover. When it ended we had to make a swift exit before the lights were turned up so that nobody could tell that we were two grown women SOBBING our eyes out in the cinema over a fictional dead dog.

It wasn’t just that the dog had died (sorry if ya haven’t seen it. But if ya haven’t, it’s probably best that ya don’t anyway coz, well, the dog dies.), no, it was that I know what every “dog person” knows and that is that there’s no pain quite like the pain you feel when you lose your best canine buddy.

My best guy, Abbey, in the pic up above there, is 11-years-old this year. That’s 77 in dog years. Every year that passes I think about his mortality a little more frequently, as much as I try not to. I swear when his time comes I will need time off work to try to come to terms with it, not even joking. I’ve got a little lump welling in my throat just thinking about it. Our dogs just simply mean that much to us.

So, the Animal Story That Most Melted My Heart this week is this one:

Aside from the fact that I love Kevin Bacon in general, I love that he loved his dog. And I love that he’s heartbroken over its’ death (in an “awwwww” kind of way, not in a “mwahahaha” kind of way).

I don’t have that much else to say about it except that it’s really sad and I feel for the Bacon on this one.

RIP Paulie Bacon (of Kevin Bacon ownership fame)