Reasons You Should Probably Be Watching The Cosby Show Right Now…

21 01 2012
You know those days where, maybe you’re off work, maybe you’re sick, or maybe you’re just having a lazy Sunday, you’re lounging around the house in your pyjamas, the fire is lit, you’re just going nowhere and that’s it. Next time you have one of those days, can I suggest you watch a load of The Cosby Show? It’s so awesome and funny and familiarly comforting.
To argue my case, I now present you with the top 5 reasons you should watch The Cosby Show…
  1. Bill’s Sweaters

I’m the type of person that doesn’t really mind making a tool out of myself. Odds are, if it looks ridiculous, I’ll wear it. Proudly.

Bill Cosby’s sweaters were DA BOMB! And he maintained the sweater gnarliness (told ya I was bringin’ gnarly back) throughout the eight seasons. I mean, the Huxtables were stylish as hell. You never saw any of ‘em in the same sweater twice.

Check the twin towers sweater with the "explosions" all round!! *exorcist music"

But get this… Fun fact… ALL of those sweaters were designed by a dude called Koos Van Den Akker, a fashion designer who was very popular with the likes of Erik Estrada, Chuck Norris and Richard Simmons! Who knew?! Not I.

I think I might just go ahead and make Cosbyesque sweaters my personal style. Oooooh, I bet there’s so many winners on ebay! FUN!

If only I had more money than I have...


2. Claire’s Parenting

Remember the episode where Vanessa and her buddies snuck off to Baltimore to see The Wretched and they stopped in Wilmington, Delaware for donuts and then the car got stolen and then Claire and Cliff found out and it all went absolutely tits up? D’ya remember the scene in which Claire went ABSOLUTELYAPESHIT on Vanessa’s punk ass?!

Skip to 2 minutes for the rage!

I hecking LOVE when Claire Huxtable gets mad. She loses all her lawyer class and comes over all BOSS. She becomes sarcastic and adopts a “don’t fuck with me or I will end you” attitude that makes me not want to fuck with her for fear that she will consequentially end me.

3. Rudy/Olivia

In the beginning we had Rudy. She was so cute and cheeky. Rudy was for sure my favourite character on the show next to Bill himself. But then Rudy started to get older. She robbed money off Claire to buy a sweater that time. Then, in the episode, ‘The Infantry has Landed’, Rudy “jumped the shark”  (. She got her period. Her and Claire had a “women’s day” and we realised that little Rudy was gone forever.

But then we got Olivia! And she was waaaay cuter than Rudy ever was. That’s So Raven brought a whole new level of cuteness to the show. I can still be found selecting an episode of The Cosbys to watch based on the Olivia:No Olivia ratio. On the real. That happens.

4. Old School Celebrity Cameos

Such as Stevie Wonder, John Ritter, B.B King, Iman, Adam Sandler, Naomi Campbell, Sammy Davis Jr, a very young (and boy like Alicia Keys) and a whole host of other people that we’ve never heard of or seen before but know that they must be somebody based on the audience applause… You know, all these people:

Hey! One of those names is Sheldon Leonard! Big Bang Theory inspiration?


5. Just Bill/Heathcliff in general… 

From the way he really, really likes to eat, to the way he picks Olivia up by her jumper, to the way he likes to get a little friskaaay with the missus at the end of most episodes, to the way his dream is to have his kids grow up and get out of his house, to the way he likes jazz even though it’s a silly, silly genre (isn’t it though?!), to the way he thinks he’s really good at DIY, to the way he’s crazy competitive… It’d be neat if Cliff Huxtable was your dad.



Convinced? If you need one last liiiiiitle shove in the right direction (towards the nearest place you can watch The Cosby Show/place where you can buy The Cosby Show on dvd – or VHS if you’re awesome), then I invoke you to consider just the intro alone. They did seven unique versions of that intro in eight seasons. I mean, it’s playing in my head right now as I type. Sure ya couldn’t bate it with a stick! Here’s just one of them for the road…